First of all, if you're reading this, thanks! It means the various sharing I did on social media at least reached someone and I know there are probably far more interesting things you could be reading.

I'm not sure how many people actually even visited my site before, but essentially it just served as a personal landing page for my contact information, resume, and social media links. It still does, but since I own the domain (and I intend to keep it that way, since it IS my name), I thought I would just try adding a blog to it. I'm in my final semester as a computer science student and in order to complete my degree, I only have 2 courses left. With that, I have a lot of free time on my hands, so blogging it is.

Like I said, I'm computer science student, and I'm hoping to build my career as a software developer. I'd like to blog about that, at least partially. My hopes are that I'll be able to share some of the things I'm working on while I'm still in school and in my spare time (my GitHub, which always needs updating). My interests are in web development, as well as UI/UX design. Although we get a great foundation in coding practices, algorithms, and data structures, I've found I've learned even more while working and at home. I've also had a few internships in the past, as well as interviewed and have been offered full-time positions once I graduate. I definitely want to share my experiences to help other college students/grads!

Aside from my work and school life, I have a variety of other interests. I like makeup and skincare products, at least buying it and putting it on myself. As an Asian person with severely hooded monolid eyes, applying makeup can bit a bit troublesome. Not only that, but there seems to be a limited number of resources for people like me! I definitely wouldn't call myself an expert, but I think it would be neat to share some of the tricks I've picked up regarding makeup for monolids. In my free time, I do like to watch and follow a lot of beauty and fashion vloggers, so maybe I'll even share some of my favorites that have helped me. A few months ago, I also delved into the world of Korean skincare (/r/AsianBeauty is a great resource). Up until a couple of years ago, I never had any skin issues except for a few breakouts here and there. While I still don't suffer from severe acne, I do have frequent breakouts that leave me with a lot of stubborn hyperpigmentation. I am constantly trying out new products, so I would love to share how they worked for me.

This is getting kind of long-winded for an introduction, so I'll wrap it up. It isn't my intention to try to be a technical writer, a beauty blogger, or even a 'blogger' in general. I just want to share things that someone might find interesting!

Thanks again for reading,
